Replenish Series - Let's Grow!: A Deeper Dive into Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) - Event Information
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Replenish Series – Let’s Grow! - Dr. Rajni Shankar-Brown - In partnership with CSC Restorative Practices
The information for the webinar is below:
- Title: A Deeper Dive into Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
- Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2024
- Time: 9 am to 10 am ET
- Presenter/Facilitator: Rajni Shankar-Brown, Ph.D.
- Description: Research undeniably demonstrates that the potential for SEL to transform our students’ growth is enormous. SEL encompasses a broad spectrum of skills, attitudes, and values that help us to navigate situations and life more healthily. SEL emphasizes the importance of mindset, supports well-being, and can help promote success in school and in life, which is especially important for students living in poverty and experiencing homelessness. This interactive workshop will highlight how educators can promote SEL, along with strategies for youth and families to incorporate in daily life.
Act 48 and NASW credit will be offered for this session. Please be sure to provide your PPID in order to receive the credit.
Registration is not available for this event at this time.