
Choose from any of the following events:

FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Purchasing Set up WebinarLearn how to set up purchase order approval routes and how to email vendors their copy of the PO.01/14/2025
Monthly Restorative Practice Series - Surviving to Thriving: Stress Management and Prevention“Replenish and Elevate Growth!” A Monthly Restorative Practice Series Designed by Rajni Shankar-Brown, PhD, MBA, M-MA, MA Facilitated In Partnership with the Center for Schools and Communities (CSC)01/14/2025
eSD SIS Custom Reports WebinarLearn how to use the custom reports for exporting purposes.01/14/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Requisition Entry WebinarLearn how to better utilize requisition entry and run various reports within the purchasing module.01/14/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Accounts Payable WebinarLearn how to liquidate purchase orders, enter p-card payments, void and reissue, and extract files such Direct Deposit and Positive Pay.01/15/2025
January Family Support Webinar: Building on Strengths: Expanded Definitions of and Research Support for the Strengthening Families Protective FactorsThe Family Support Webinars are online learning sessions hosted by the Center for Schools and Communities with support from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).01/15/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Importing Purchasing/Accounts Payable WebinarLearn how to import purchase orders and import P-card payments.01/15/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Setup and Course Requests WebinarLearn how to prepare for the scheduling processes01/16/2025
eSD SIS Grading Assessments Import WebinarLearn how to mass import assessment results.01/16/2025
eSD SIS 2023-24 Civil Rights Data Collection WebinarLearn how to use the eSD SIS to compile Civil Rights Data Collection data.01/20/2025
FIS HR Salary and Benefit Budget Process WebinarLearn how to review salary projection and benefits creation process needed to post to budget prep.01/21/2025
eSD SIS Handling Special Situations in Registration WebinarLearn how to manage special situations when registering students.01/22/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Budgeting WebinarLearn how to better understand and utilize the Budgeting Module.01/23/2025
eSD SIS Grading Administrative Reports WebinarLearn how to generate administrative grading reports01/23/2025
eSD SIS PIMS Student and School Enrollment Files Data Entry WebinarLearn how to create PIMS School Enrollment Files.01/28/2025
eSD SIS Troubleshooting PIMS Course/Instructor and PVAAS Exceptions WebinarLearn how to understand the data file layout including data mapping of where the data is stored within the system, and how to enter data for reporting.01/30/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Setup and Course Requests WebinarLearn how to prepare for the scheduling processes02/04/2025
eSD SIS Grading Class Rank WebinarLearn how to generate and review class rank information.02/04/2025
CSIU eSD SIS User MeetingThe 2025 CSIU SIS User Meeting for clients using the eSchoolData Student Information System will be held at the CSIU Main Office on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, with breakfast and lunch provided. There is no cost to attend this event!02/05/2025
CSIU eSD SIS User Meeting (via Zoom)The 2025 CSIU SIS User Meeting for clients using the eSchoolData Student Information System will be held at the CSIU Main Office on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Clients who cannot attend in person, please register for the Zoom-Only meeting. There is no cost to attend this event!02/05/2025
FIS HR/PY Staff Module WebinarLearn how to navigate the HR/Payroll application and review in depth the information found in the Staff module.02/05/2025
February Family Support Webinar: Recipe for a Healthy Home VisitThe Family Support Webinars are online learning sessions hosted by the Center for Schools and Communities with support from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL).02/05/2025
FIS HR/PY Absence Module WebinarLearn how to setup the directories in the Absence Module as well as the processes and reports that are provided.02/05/2025
FIS Payroll Directories WebinarLearn how to set-up Payroll Directories that impact and control Payroll Processing.02/06/2025
FIS Staff Payroll Information WebinarLearn how to add and maintain Staff Payroll records.02/06/2025
FIS Payroll Processing WebinarLearn how to enter changes to Staff Payroll records, Payroll Entry and Processing procedures including reports for verification.02/07/2025
FIS Bidding - Bid Cycle Review WebinarLearn how to Initialize a new Bid Cycle and how to complete each step required for a complete Bid Cycle.02/07/2025
eSD SIS PIMS Course/Instructor and PVAAS Collections WebinarLearn how to generate and review PIMS Course/Instructor and PVAAS Collection files02/11/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Billing and Accounts Receivable WebinarLearn how to set up invoice approval routes and receive payments on invoices (in full, partial, and over payments).02/11/2025
Monthly Restorative Practice Series - Affirming Diverse Students and Families: Embracing Cultural Humility“Replenish and Elevate Growth!” A Monthly Restorative Practice Series Designed by Rajni Shankar-Brown, PhD, MBA, M-MA, MA Facilitated In Partnership with the Center for Schools and Communities (CSC)02/11/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Course Pre-requisite WebinarLearn how to create course pre-requisites to use in the course request process.02/11/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Importing Billing/Accounts Receivable WebinarLearn how to set up and import invoices along with importing deposits.02/11/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Bank Reconciliation WebinarLearn how to fully utilize the bank reconciliation process in FIS.02/12/2025
PA ECYEH Learning Series: Reduce Expulsion and Suspension with Socially and Emotionally Centered PracticesECYEH Webinar Series - 202502/12/2025
FIS Fund Accounting General Ledger Importing WebinarLearn how to import journal vouchers and cleared checks/credit card payments in bank reconciliation.02/12/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Mini Courses WebinarLearn how to use and set up mini-courses and assign students to them.02/13/2025
eSD SIS PIMS Safe Schools WebinarLearn how to generate and review PIMS Safe Schools file.02/13/2025
eSD SIS Grading Custom Transcript WebinarLearn how to create and generate custom transcripts.02/18/2025
eSD SIS Troubleshooting PIMS Course/Instructor and PVAAS Exceptions WebinarLearn how to understand the data file layout including data mapping of where the data is stored within the system, and how to enter data for reporting.02/18/2025
FIS Staff Portal Review WebinarLearn how to complete basic setup, navigation and features available in the Staff Portal.02/19/2025
FIS HR Insurance Module WebinarLearn how to setup and maintain the Insurance Parameters and Staff Insurance information.02/19/2025
FIS HR Salary Module WebinarLearn how to complete basic setup, navigation and processes found in the Salary module.02/20/2025
eSD SIS Health Setup WebinarLearn how to setup the health module to record student health information.02/20/2025
FIS HR Staff Professional Modules WebinarLearn how to review the information found in the Staff Professional and the Professional Development modules. Staff Professional information is used for PIMS report and Professional Development is used to track and report information to PDE to upload to the PERMS site.02/20/2025
eSD SIS Grading Transcripts WebinarLearn how to update transcript options and generate system-defined transcripts.02/21/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Student Sectioner (Preparation) WebinarLearn how to review Course Request data and prepare for running the Scheduler: Section Only.02/27/2025
eSD SIS Grading Graduation Maps & Early Warning SystemsLearn how to create and view student graduation and early warning maps.03/04/2025
eSD SIS Health Webinar - Part OneLearn how to access and maintain student health records.03/05/2025
Creating Safe and Nurturing Environments Through SELThis webinar shares an educator's journey in creating trauma-informed spaces for marginalized students, emphasizing SEL competencies that promote safety, belonging, and visibility. Participants will gain practical strategies to enhance student well-being and success in classrooms or youth programs.03/07/2025
eSD SIS Health Webinar - Part TwoLearn how to access and maintain student health records.03/07/2025
Monthly Restorative Practice Series - Intersectional Identities: Promoting Authenticity and Belonging“Replenish and Elevate Growth!” A Monthly Restorative Practice Series Designed by Rajni Shankar-Brown, PhD, MBA, M-MA, MA Facilitated In Partnership with the Center for Schools and Communities (CSC)03/11/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Master Schedule Builder (Preparation) WebinarLearn how to prepare to use the Master Schedule Builder03/11/2025
eSD SIS PIMS Career Standards Benchmarks, Student Award and Student Local Assessment Subtest Files WebinarLearn how to generate and review PIMS Career Standards Benchmarks, Student Award, and Student Local Assessment Subtest Files03/17/2025
eSD SIS Grading Task List Management (CTC) WebinarLearn how to update CTE Task Lists03/18/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Purchasing Set up WebinarLearn how to set up purchase order approval routes and how to email vendors their copy of the PO.03/18/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Requisition Entry WebinarLearn how to better utilize requisition entry and run various reports within the purchasing module.03/18/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Advanced Accounts Payable WebinarLearn how to liquidate purchase orders, enter p-card payments, void and reissue, and extract files such Direct Deposit and Positive Pay.03/19/2025
FIS Fund Accounting Importing Purchasing/Accounts Payable WebinarLearn how to import purchase orders and import P-card payments.03/19/2025
eSD SIS Student Achievement WebinarLearn how to setup, record and print student achievements.03/20/2025
eSD SIS PIMS Safe Schools WebinarLearn how to generate and review PIMS Safe Schools file.03/27/2025
eSD SIS Scheduling Master Schedule Builder (Running and Resolving Conflicts) WebinarLearn how to use the Master Schedule Builder utilizing resource classes and classes to build a student schedule03/27/2025
Cultivating Connection: Building Positive School Climate and Academic Success through SELCultivating Connection highlights how SEL fosters strong relationships and emotional resilience, creating a positive school climate that supports both student well-being and academic achievement. Schools that prioritize SEL enhance focus, collaboration, and personal growth, leading to improved academic outcomes.04/03/2025
Empowering Educators: Building Psychological Flexibility with the ACT Matrix for SEL and Mental HealthThis webinar teaches how to use the ACT Matrix to foster interest, connection, and collaboration among students and staff through values-based behaviors. Participants will learn a simple, practical tool for creating productive learning environments and gain strategies for immediate implementation.05/01/2025
Monthly Restorative Practice Series - Poverty, Homelessness, and Endurance: Recognizing and Avoiding Burnout“Replenish and Elevate Growth!” A Monthly Restorative Practice Series Designed by Rajni Shankar-Brown, PhD, MBA, M-MA, MA Facilitated In Partnership with the Center for Schools and Communities (CSC)05/13/2025
Monthly Restorative Practice Series - Refuel: Addressing and Preventing Compassion Fatigue“Replenish and Elevate Growth!” A Monthly Restorative Practice Series Designed by Rajni Shankar-Brown, PhD, MBA, M-MA, MA Facilitated In Partnership with the Center for Schools and Communities (CSC)06/10/2025