Educational Benefit Review: Understanding the Purpose and Process - Event Information

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Event Date and Time

Tuesday, January 28, 2020 8:30 am - 11:30 am

Event Information

An overview of the Educational Benefit Review (EBR) process including hands-on practice in analyzing IEPs and a discussion of implications for best practice in IEP writing. Participants will: 1. Identify the legal basis for the Educational Benefit Review (EBR) process. 2. Describe the four-step process utilized in the EBR process. 3. Analyze and compare three years worth of IEPs for a student to determine whether the student has received educational benefit. 4. Identify elements of best practice that may be utilized to ensure educational benefit for students. Date: January 28, 2020 Time: 8:30-11:30 Location: Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit Cost: 10.00 Act 48: 3.0 hours * Must have a minimum of 8 participants to run


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