“Happy Teacher Revolution: Top 10 Lessons Learned from Starting a Global Revolution in Educator Happiness” - Event Information

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Event Date and Time

Monday, August 10, 2020 8:30 am - 11:45 am

Event Information

Participants will learn how Happy Teacher Revolution can support teachers’ mental health and wellness and discuss topics relating to the social-emotional learning of educators such as vicarious trauma, caregiver burnout, compassion fatigue, and toxic stress. What Participants will Learn: 1.Define the mission of Happy Teacher Revolution and why it is important 2. Explain how living a complete happy life runs alongside the ability of educators to form authentic relationships with students, thus empowering teachers to stay in the classroom because they feel emotionally supported and fulfilled 3. Synthesize research around vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and caregiver burnout in an experiential learning opportunity


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