Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA) Training - Event Information

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Event Date and Time

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Event Information


When a student’s behavior is interfering with his/her learning or the learning of others, a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) is used to identify problem behaviors and develop interventions to improve or eliminate those behaviors. The procedural steps in conducting a FBA require focused teaming, precise behavioral tracking, and targeted interventions to best support the student in all intended educational settings. Intervention fidelity and progress monitoring are additional key factors that effectively link the socially appropriate replacement behaviors to a supporting student level Positive Behavior Support Plan. Attendees in this series will learn how to conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment and the requisite behavioral decision making process to successfully connect interventions to a technically adequate Positive Behavior Support Plan. Explicit areas of focus will include the process of making data informed decisions and fidelity based progress monitoring at both the targeted and tertiary levels of student support.

Participants will:

1. Participants will be able to define Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA).  

2. Partiipants will understand the purpose for conducting FBAs.

3. Participants will be able to conduct/support an FBA.



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