Carnegie Melon Computer Science Academy Training - Learn Python! - Event Information
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90 Lawton Ln
Milton, PA 17847
Event Information
Carnegie Mellon Computer Science Academy Training (Python) -
Have you ever wanted to learn python coding? Looking for some high-quality coding resources for your secondary classroom?
In this two-day course, participants will receive an overview of the CS Academy user platform including resources, docs + colors references, teacher portal, classroom setup, and teacher resources.
The goal is to cover the first three learning modules of the CS1 curriculum - 3rd Edition.
In addition, we will review the Discussion Forum and Community resources in the Teacher Portal including Teacher Forum and Support from CMU.
Hybrid option is available.
Date: November 6 & November 7, 2023
Time: 8:00-3:00
Location: CSIU
Act 48: 12 hours will be awarded
Registration is not available for this event at this time.