Replenish Series - Let's Grow!: Managing Screen Time - Event Information
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Replenish Series – Let’s Grow! - Dr. Rajni Shankar-Brown - In partnership with CSC Restorative Practices
The information for the webinar is below:
- Title: Managing Screen Time
- Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
- Time: 9 am to 10 am ET
- Presenter/Facilitator: Rajni Shankar-Brown, Ph.D.
- Description: Over 90% of youth in the United States have a smartphone and/or other technological device with access to the internet. Today, many children and youth spend over 8 hours a day in front of screens (*outside of online learning engagement) scrolling through social media feeds, streaming videos, gaming, browsing the internet, texting, etc. Research demonstrates that screen time is also disproportionately higher for students living in poverty. While there are benefits to using technological devices, high amounts of screen time can be harmful. In this workshop, we will explore the dangerous effects of too much screen time and promising strategies for educators to help students and families manage screen time for a more balanced and healthier lifestyle.
Act 48 and NASW credit will be offered for this session. Please be sure to provide your PPID in order to receive the credit.
Registration is not available for this event at this time.