PULSE-Principals Understanding Leadership in Special Education - Event Information

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Event Date and Time

Wednesday, January 4, 2023 8:30 am - 4:00 pm


90 Lawton Ln
Milton, PA 17847

Event Information

Description: Description: This 30-hour PIL approved course aims to build upon a principal’s working knowledge and skill set needed to successfully innovate and program for students with disabilities. The growing field of research at the intersection of the position of principal and special education yields evidence-based practices that support outcomes for students with disabilities. PULSE coursework incorporates a variety of essential topics throughout the three instructional days, such as the use of data practices, instructional strategies, and innovations to improve student achievement, legal literacy, and implementation of and sustaining evidence-based practices. Through retrieval and analysis of data related to special education to understanding programming options for inclusive systems and individual student supports, participants will increase their abilities to lead and impact student and systems growth. Other experiences that encourage knowledge and skills around special education include self-assessment, lectures, review of literature, videos, scenarios, discourse, and action research design


  • Identify the necessary components to effect change
  • Analyze and share his or her vision and mission statements
  • Identify key principles of IDEA and Chapter 14 regulations
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of an LEA representative 
  • Analyze and implement the use of assessment data to guide instructional decision making
  • Analyze data to identify patterns of behavior
  • Identify alternatives to suspension and expulsion
  • Identify organizational culture and core values to strengthen relationships with stakeholders

Day 1 - Leading a Culture of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging -Participants will engage through the use of literature, data, and discourse to learn about leadership, change and vision, laws and regulations, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), LEA Representation and Climate and Culture.

Day 2 - Being an Instructional Leader -Participants will engage through the use of literature, tasks, data and discourse to support learning of instructional influences that impact achievement including visible learning, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), universal design for learning, standards-aligned and alternate eligible content, specially designed instruction (SDI), supplementary aids and services, assistive technology and secondary transition.    

Day 3 - Supporting Effective Behavioral Systems -Participants will engage through the use of literature and discourse while completing several tasks to support learning around school-wide positive behavior systems (SWPBS), the principles of behavior, functional behavior assessment (FBA) and positive behavior intervention plans (PBSP), manifestation determination (MD), alternatives to suspensions and expulsions, and restraint reporting.  

Day 4 - Culminating Project -Participants will be afforded the opportunity to present their culminating learning project during Day 4 of the PULSE series.  CSIU instructors and cohort participants will be allotted time to ask questions and provide feedback on individual presentations.  

Please note:

As part of the 30 PIL hours, each instructional day requires 3 hours of prereading activities. Participants will be expected to complete the prereading activities as outlined on the course syllabus prior to each instructional day. At the end of the course, participants will also be required submit a culminating action planning document and presentation in order to receive the full credit hours.  

Dates and Times:





Day 1-  Leading a Culture of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Jan. 4, 2022

8:30 AM – 4:00 PM


Day 2-  Being an Instructional Leader

Feb. 1, 2023

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Day 3-  Supporting Effective Behavioral Systems

March 1, 2023

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Day 4-  Culminating Project 

April 5, 2023

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM












Application deadline: Friday, December 16, 2022  All applicants will be notified via email of their status by December 21, 2022 and will receive registration information.

Cost: $100 per person

Audience:  This course is designed specifically for General Education Administrators – Principals and Assistant Principals. Only general education administrators will be accepted to participate. Please do not complete an application if you do not currently serve as either a building principal or assistant principal.

Lunch will be provided on in person days. 

For questions regarding content, contact: CSIU – Michael Lord, [email protected]


Registration is not available for this event at this time.