Co Teaching that Works - Event Information
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Event Date and Time
90 Lawton Ln
Milton, PA 17847
Event Information
This training will provide participants with a deeper understanding about what collaborative teaching is and what success looks like. We will get an in depth look at the co teaching models and provide ample time to plan activities using one or more of the models in your classroom. Participants will also gain an understanding of designing learning options to support learner variability. The presenters will guide participants in using the principles of UDL to eliminate barriers and create learning environments that are welcoming and supportive for all learners. Participants will leave with a basic understanding of the guiding principles as well as tools for implementation.
Participants will:
1. Learn about research-based co-teaching approaches and grouping methods
2. Begin planning for co-teaching that will benefit you and your students
3. Craft success criteria
4. Explore the what, why and how behind the UDL framework and demonstrate knowledge and understanding through interactive activities
Target Audience: Special education teachers, regular education teachers, principals, curriculum coordinators, special education leaders, district administrators
***Must have a minimum of 5 participants to run the training***
Registration is not available for this event at this time.